There are some things that have somehow just become a regular part of our culture and we do them, talk about them or think about them but rarely do we know the origin. For instance, who decided that breaking the wishbone brings good luck, or why do we say people should kiss under the...
For most educators and administrators back to school is typically an exciting time filled with shopping, organizing, decorating and wonder about what the new year will bring. I think most will agree that 2020 has been anything but typical and as a result back to school has rolled out in...
Most people are familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which has been historically applied to the study of human development and children. This theory has recently been applied to the study of employee engagement. Interestingly enough, just as children are not responsible for the...
I recently had the opportunity to clean out a file cabinet that held at least fifty years of information. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds. In fact, it was highly instructive. This file cabinet contained all sorts of records, notes, cards, receipts and other pieces of paper that...
When systems fail efficiency suffers. Every area of your work needs a system. Without a system, you lack consistency and put yourself at greater risk of making costly mistakes. Systems don't have to be complicated or overwhelming. Your systems are simply the way you get things accomplished....
Have you ever come to a point when you knew that you needed a change, but couldn’t quite get unstuck? A friend of mine once said, “there are two things that we don’t like - change and the way things are.” I think of these words often but yet it...