Jun 15, 2020

Have you ever come to a point when you knew that you needed a change, but couldn’t quite get unstuck?   A friend of mine once said, “there are two things that we don’t like - change and the way things are.” I think of these words often but yet it hasn’t done very much to help me get free from the quicksand of my current state. 

I’m a perfectionist, the rule-navigating planner type, so I started to write down every fine detail to chart out my next steps.  And then it happened, the bottom fell out of my career and my plan wasn’t worth the paper it was written on. The fear of my current reality felt like it was climbing up the back of my neck and chocking the life out of me. What I didn’t see coming was the survival instinct to “DO IT AFRAID!”  Fear is a beast, but fear can be conquered. 

When it comes down to decision making, the things that most people are afraid of are (in no specific order): unfamiliarity, failure, isolation, being overwhelmed, and misjudgment.  None of these things need to be absent, addressed or even resolved for you to begin taking the necessary steps to embark on a new journey, make a challenging decision or overcome a formidable obstacle.   

So how can you do it afraid?  Doing it afraid is not about ignoring what you fear, it is about putting that fear in its proper place and turning that energy into fuel.

Do it Aware – You don’t need to have it all figured out before you move.

  • Acknowledge your loss of control 
  • Be responsive to the truth of who you are (strengths, weaknesses, fears) 

Do it Flawed – There will always be room for change and growth. 

  • You don’t have to know it all 
  • You don’t have to do it all alone

Do it Reliantly – Accomplishing anything significant is never a solo act.

  • Nothing great happens when you operate alone 
  • Learn from others

Do it Available – There is never enough time, money or resources.

  • Stay flexible and make the needed sacrifices 
  • Be open to unexpected opportunities and alliances

Do it Inspired – You have to pull from something deeper and higher than yourself.

  • Use your passion to keep you motivated
  • Do it because you must, not because others say you should 

Do it Determined – Keep your attention on the things that matter most.

  • Give it your all and don’t take things personally
  • Stay focused and don’t collapse under pressure

Many times we look at successful people and think they have it all figured out, but the truth is they are just as puzzled as everyone else.  Successful people have decided that they are going to keep moving in spite of the fear and realize the biggest failure is in not going for it.  The only thing worse then doing it afraid ... is not doing it at all.  

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