Sep 15, 2020

Most people are familiar with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which has been historically applied to the study of human development and children.  This theory has recently been applied to the study of employee engagement. Interestingly enough, just as children are not responsible for the foundation of their development, employees are not responsible for boosting their engagement.  For employees to reach full engagement there are a few things that leaders must first realize.


When employees are in survival mode performance is not their priority

The basic human needs of individuals must be met before they are able to perform at even average levels.  People who are focused on survival are focused on pay and benefits. 


Never confuse mere compliance with motivation

Disengaged employees are doing what is necessary to keep their jobs and avoid conflict.  They are likely looking for employment and not yet feeling connected.  Here is where livable wages, good benefits and organizational culture matter most.


At the root of employee uncertainty is workplace insecurity

When someone is concerned about the future of their employment, they are not able to focus on the vision of the organization or commit to advancing the mission.  Communicating job security is necessary to boost engagement.


Giving employees a place of belonging leads to genuine engagement

Everyone has an innate desire to belong to something. Organizational culture is important to getting people emmeshed in the work of the company and helping them to see themselves as a meaningful contributor.  Keep them engaged and recognize their importance.


Investing in employees advances the overall mission and performance of the organization

Engaged employees are the backbone of any company.  It’s more than believing “I’m here for the work,” but it’s also saying “I’m here for the future.”  Give them an opportunity to pass their knowledge on to others. 

Every leader expects the best from their staff, but employee engagement begins with the employer.  When employee needs are net, performance soars. 


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