Productive Conflict

Productive Conflict

Format Options

Online Meeting
On-site Professional Development
Great for Teams or Individuals

Everything DiSC®Productive Conflict is a personalized learning experience that increases self-awareness around conflict behaviors and helps participants effectively respond to the uncomfortable and unavoidable challenges of workplace conflict. Rather than focus on a step-by-step process for conflict resolution, it offers personalized techniques to curb destructive behaviors so that conflict can become more productive, ultimately improving workplace relationships and results.

Access a sample Productive Conflict report

Value Statements

This series will guide you through:

  • Exposing your conflict style

  • Exploring conflict mindsets

  • Identifying destructive conflict behaviors

  • Reframing your thoughts during conflict

  • Learning productive responses

  • Having productive conversations to manage conflicts


Who can benefit from this? 

Anyone that works with staff, team members or parents who:

  • have challenges in reaching agreement with others

  • dig their heels in when it comes to having things their way

  • are demanding and sometimes seem unreasonable

  • seem to be more sensitive than in past years

  • have significant generational or cultural points of view

  • spends their time trying to help adults to get on the same page


What's Included


  • Three 90-minute sessions with Dr. Keena

  • Everything DiSC Productive Conflict® Assessment & Personalized profile

  • Series handouts

  • Access to recordings and content for 30 days

  • BONUS 5 step-Conflict Management Strategy

  •  Personalized Professional Growth Certificate


2022 Online Dates

September 20, 21, 22 @ 12:00pm EST
Nov 29, 30, Dec 1 @ 9:00am PST


A personalized learning experience proven to increase the effectiveness of anyone in a management role.

Everything DiSC Management

Become better teammates while internalizing the principles of building trust, mastering conflict, commitment, accountability and focusing on results.

Five Behaviors: Personal Development

Reduce the tug-of-war created by being pulled between your team and your leader.


Managing From the Middle

Move from spending your days "putting out fires" to eliminating the issues that steal your time and cause recurring challenges.


Reducing Problems and Maximizing Decisions

Contact us about in-person or customized options for your organization

Let's Talk Customization 

Complete this form and receive a follow-up call to arrange for your needs.

We will never sell your information.