May 17, 2022

Are you who THEY think you are?  Are you who YOU think you are?

On the surface, these seem like relatively simple questions, but with some analysis and reflection, these simple questions can become more and more complex.  At the core of the questions is the issue of self-awareness.

Do you remember The Lion King movie?  One of my favorite scenes was when Rafiki led Simba to the water and after seeing his reflection caused Simba to look again.  Simba didn’t see what Rafiki (and everyone else saw).  And I wonder how many of us have that same problem.

Transparency moment…I am much like Simba.  Maybe you are too.  

Perhaps your team sees that you are playing too small, or that you are pretending to be an expert in everything (when you really aren’t).  Maybe you have a great message, but it gets lost in lackluster delivery.  It might even be that you are in a position that is not a good match with your skillset or demeanor.  

All of these are examples of how poor self-awareness impacts our performance and ultimately impacts the team and the organization.  With each example, there is likely someone that sees you differently than you see yourself.  Given the opportunity (and the safety) they may tell you the truth that you need to hear.  

Simba had Rafiki to help him see clearly.  Who do you have?  What steps are you taking to get closer to the leader that you were created to be?  What are you doing to create a better culture for your team?

When you find yourself searching for ways to fill the identified gaps, Momentum Leadership Group has the resources to support you in executive coaching, professional development and so much more…

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