Oct 05, 2021

Educators understand how important it is for students to have a love for learning.  As leaders, we should think of learning in a similar fashion.  You see, at the core of everything we need to accomplish is (amongst other things) a love of learning.

  • Love of learning yourself
  • Love of learning others
  • Love of learning to serve

Love is the secret sauce that pushes us to do more and to be better.

Learn yourself enough to be laser-focused on being your best self.  Invest in:

  • Personal Growth – being current with the times continually refining your skills is the only way to remain relevant
  • Self-Care – taking care of yourself is critical to longevity and innovation.
  • The Right Tribe – every leader needs support from those that understand where they are and can push them to where they need to go.

Learn others enough to bring good to everyone you encounter.  Your influence lasts when you commit to:

  • Normalizing Humanity – how you treat people directly impacts your ability to be effective and their ability to thrive under your leadership.
  • Mentoring & Coaching – a leader who has no followers is not a leader, spend time cultivating those that are coming behind you.
  • Professional Growth – investing in the growth of others benefits everyone, including you. Companies that provide professional growth benefits experience less turnover and more success.

Learn to serve others by making a positive impact within your sphere of influence. You can prioritize service by prioritizing:

  • Providing Opportunities – team members look to leaders to open doors for them and to expose them to things they haven’t experienced before.
  • Team Dynamics – a cohesive team makes work so much easier (and fun too), but more importantly, it reduces the type of conflict that paralyzes progress.
  • Staying Focused – you can’t do everything, and you definitely can’t do everything well. Employees don’t really want a boss that can do everything, they want a boss that is willing to do anything to ensure their collective success…but understands their personal zone of genius. 

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